Sounds like you need to fire your sysadmin
It has nothing to do with a sysadmin. It’s impossible for a given request to require zero processing power. Therefore there will always be an upper limit to how many get requests can be handled, even if it’s a small amount of processing power per request.
For a business it’s probably not a big deal, but if it’s a self hosted site it quickly can become a problem.
Caches can be configured locally to use near-zero processing power. Or moved to the last mile to use zero processing power (by your hardware)
Near zero isn’t zero though. And not everyone is using caching.
Right, thats why I said you should fire your sysadmin if they aren’t caching or can’t manage to get the cache down to zero load for static content served to simple GET requests
Not every GET request is simple enough to cache, and not everyone is running something big enough to need a sysadmin.