What are they going to retaliate with? Stop exporting gas? They need that money desperately. Attack us? They moved all their defense assets to Ukraine, would be a pretty devastating counterattack.
I’m glad they take the time and confirm that the EU’s defense plans are the correct decision.
“If you don’t stop trying to defend yourself from me I’m gonna attack you!” Yeah, that’s really reassuring.
I’m still waiting for the previous retaliatory measures of all the red lines we’ve crossed so far.
Well of course they are a threat, that’s the whole fucking point you brainiac
If anyone’s defense is a threat to you, you are the asshole
I wonder if Putin will get Trump to try and sanction the EU for this?
Sanction EU for doing exactly what he has been telling us to do ever since 2016? The entire reason he has been threatening with US leaving NATO is because virtually all the member countries are freeriding and frankly it’s one of the few things he’s 100% right about that.
Not freeriding, it was a comfortable relationship for the most part where the US got an outsized influence over another continents internal and external affairs. The US got plenty out of that deal.
But it is a mistake the US alligned world has made to rely so heavily on the USA for so much defence infrastructure.
For years i thought the holdout behaviour of the French from defence, agriculture, to even the internet was admirable and sensible policy. I could never understand why people guffawed at the French’ more independently minded policies.
I really hope USA’s trumpstain has driven the point home now that US aligned Nations need to be more independent from the USA in many aspects of their national interest.
Putin has been telling the EU to arm up?
Fuck you putin
Every reply is a defense
Every defense is a threat
Every threat is an invasion
Every invasion is a war
Every war is a genocide
Ever genocide is an extinction event
Every extension event is … hummm ?Every accusation is an admission from putin.