Oh yeah? Well back in MY day the Dead Kennedys put out this cassette tape and all the music was on one side and the other side was blank and there was a note that said something like… oh what was it now… “Home taping is killing record industry profits! We left this side blank so you can help.” Yep that was really something.
So I wore my wallet on a chain, which was the style at the time.
How do you put apple pay on your pants, grand papa?
Oh we didn’t buy things with apples as you youths like to do these days. Our apples were too big to use as money.
311 had a secret song before the first track. You had to rewind to hear it. Only time I’m aware of that happening (there’s probably others that I don’t know about).
I was thinking, yeah Rammstein also did something like that. Looked it up and turns out there is a wiki list of all CD’s that did this. Wikipedia
This is my favorite thing I’ve seen on Wikipedia recently. Thanks!
I don’t know that I’d call it a song per se, but Brand New did this on The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me. I think it was like a minute of stuff that seamlessly blends right into the start of Sowing Season. I don’t own the CD and I only heard that part once like 15 years ago, so I truly can’t remember what it was. Maybe like a message on an answering machine?
Edit: found it
Action Action also had those seamless transitions. I remember the first track would finish, and then the next track would start at negative time (ex: -00:30) and count to 00:00 (where the track would actually begin) with transition noise and music playing for those negative moments. I miss whole album concepts.
X-Files movie soundtrack had https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=64LNLSpFa-o
You could put a PlayStation disk into a CD player, skip a few tracks, and listen to the songs from the game
Not all of them, only if it had Redbook audio.
“As you can see, this is a PlayStation black disc. Cut #1 contains computer data, so please don’t play it. But you probably won’t listen to me anyway, will you?”
Wipeout 3 had an awesome soundtrack. I’ve probably listened to it more than I’ve played it.
Just FYI millennia is a plural form: one millennium, two millennia. So you’re from a different millennium.
I was there, Gandalf…three thousand years ago…
Maybe he is over a thousand years old, don’t you see the wrinkles?
Then it would be “different millennia,” not “a different millennia.”
Those of us that were born before 2000: am I a joke to you?
Dude you’re almost thirty!
I’m also in that group, I only meant to write a direct parallel to the title, for comparison :-)
I figured, I just wanted to go along with it as a joke
Yes, and the same goes for “medium”: one medium, several media. When people say “media” now, they typically mean what used to be referred to as “mass media”, that is, newspapers, TV, etc.
Yep. Seen that. Ripped a CD to put it on my media server, and noticed the last song to be over ten minutes long. Loading it into SOX revealed that there were two songs with loads of silence between them.
“…and ripping that CD was annoying, because you then had an over long last track with the secret song, and you had to split the tracks manually and come up with tags on your own, or…”
(Seriously, the only reason I listened rarely to the last song in Halo CE soundtrack was because of this.)
The CDs I remember with it would have the secret party track start with like ten minutes of nothing
I was always a fan of
for this. Dump it all into a big audio file and let the.cue
sort it out.
… and the good old enhanced CDs where you will find some specials if you put them into your PC.
Yeah. Sony gave me malware one time with one of those. Thanks Sony.
Was this a rootkit they came up with bc they were trying to… something? I vaguely remember that…
Yea it was during their “total war on piracy” era
It basically screwed with your computers CD drive, phoned home, made it self undetectable, all that good stuff
Trying to perform DRM? Hell yeah!
I’ll never forget my surprise when I put the Half-Life 1 CD into a player and got the soundtrack.
CDs? They used to do it on tapes too.
She rode a horse into my head
She won’t discipline the children
And now they’re running wild on the beach
And I don’t care, oh, I don’t care
No, I don’t care hey, hey, heyI tried to think of something deep to say
But my well is dipping dry today
I have 2 CDs with this feature! When they end, I wait seconds or a minute just.
I’m not from a different millennium. I am the millennium.
People do this on digital too.